Who are we and what we do


itB Legal is a firm established in the year 2010 by Łukasz Bazański – Attorney at Law. The firm focuses on providing comprehensive services to telecommunications sector, e-commerce and companies, whose activity is based mostly on the Internet, as well as companies implementing new technologies. We provide legal aid to both corporate and individual clients.

At the head of our legal team stand Łukasz Bazański and Ewelina Grabiec – attorneys at law.

Our specializations

During over 10 year practice, our lawyers acquired unique experience in various fields of law, among which are:

Telecommunications Law

We advise ISP’s with their day-to-day operations since the very beginning of itB Legal’s existence. We help our clients acquire access to real estates, passive infrastructure and right-of-way for telecommunications purposes, and represent them in administrative and civil proceedings. We draft service contracts for our clients and resolve disputes with their end-users.

We represent our clients before the Office of Electronic Communication (including cases on administrative penalties) and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.

Whenever ISP needs legal help regarding their activity – we’re there for them.

Public procurement Law

We provide legal help for both procuring entities and contractors at every stage of procurement procedure, as well as at subsequent stage regarding execution of concluded contract. For both of them we can offer among other things, complex analysis and legal aid regarding interpretation and application of procurement law. Additionally:

  • for procuring entities we can offer (among other things): help with preparation of procurement procedure, drafting terms and conditions of participation in procurement procedure, representation before National Appeals Chamber (KIO) and common courts.
  • for contractors we can offer (among other things): preparation of documents needed for participation in procurement procedure – including questions for procuring entity, help with filling ESPD (European Single Procurement Document), risk assessment regarding contracts, representation before National Appeals Chamber (KIO) and common courts.

Protecting ISP’s telecommunication data and their client’s personal data, has always been related to itB Legal’s activity. Since when GDPR entered into force, protecting personal data gained in importance. We can offer you an audit of your current data processing, risk assessment of processing data in your company, individual documents required by GDPR. We can also provide necessary education for staff involved in processing data, or you can outsource Data Protection Officer from our firm, to monitor closely if data is processed in accordance with the law.

Construction Law

Imprecision of construction law may result in disputes with administrative authorities, but there’s more when it comes to building transmission grids – very common problems concern right-of-way, disputes with road operators and with owners of physical infrastructure (e.g. electric poles). itB Legal’s aid in abovementioned field concerns primarily: choosing the right procedure (permission v. declaration v. none), preparation of documents required by construction law and other related regulations, drafting and negotiating agreements regarding construction projects, representation before administrative courts, help with acquisition of easement and research on real estate’s legal situation.

Corporate Law

Advisory services on corporate law – mergers, acquisitions and transformations, are itB Legal’s one of the most important specialization. Thanks to excellent knowledge of corporate law and individual approach (which includes possible tax consequences) we can provide unique solutions that will allow you to achieve your goals.
We can help you: choose optimal legal form for your business, prepare documents required for registration of your business as well as we can represent you in registration process, draft internal regulations to use within your business, carry out a due diligence or prepare sale of shares.

Contract Law

It is not an easy job to draft a contract what will meet parties expectations. It is not about copying existing contract, but to draft it in a way that will be in accordance with parties wishes, the law and on top of that – in a way it’s actually understandable. Well-made agreement is supposed to secure parties interests that the obligation can be later executed.
itB Legal drafts agreements with highest attention to details, in various fields of law – civil law, telecommunication law, GDPR, etc.. as well as we draft internal regulations that are later used within our client’s businesses.

E-commerce, IT/IP Law, Cybersecurity

We help our clients resolve any problems concerning broadly understood new technology law, which includes (among other things) help with: setting up e-commerce and drafting privacy policies, providing of other than e-commerce online services, registering Internet domains, registering trademarks or even preparing regulations for e-sports tournaments. We also support our clients with negotiating contracts on software development in order to secure their best interests and obtain all necessary licences and copyright. We can provide compliance with cybersecurity regulation for your business.

itB Legal consists of tech-oriented lawyers, who constantly expand their knowledge by participating in conferences dedicated to new technologies.

… and more. Feel free to contact us in case of any questions. We will be happy to answer them and discuss possible cooperation models.

@ lukasz.bazanski@itblegal.pl

@ ewelina.grabiec@itblegal.pl

or @ sekretariat@itblegal.pl